martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

The God damned- motherfucker- son of a bitch- fucking end of the God damned- motherfcuker- son of a bitch- poisoned- ripped apart- gone to fucking hell world is here

That’s right fellows, I got two versions told by two motherfucking survivors, but they’re in motherfucking spanish, god damn it, I can translate them to god damned motherfucking son of a bitch English, here they are, Spanish version first:
El Foso de Abaddón.
Sebastián observó a dos aves luchando mientras escuchó un susurro que decía: “Abaddón”. Su esposa y su madre habían ido a comprar algo mientras el dormía en la casa de huéspedes sobre la colina.
Cuando llegó a la ciudad se percató que el color del cielo era naranja intenso y que había incendios por todas partes. La ciudad estaba en ruinas y se escuchaban gritos, lamentos, susurros, alaridos. Mientras caminaba había derrumbes y explosiones por donde pasaba. Un vuelco en el corazón lo obligó a refugiarse en la serenidad que le otorgaba la oscuridad al cerrar los ojos; tal era la única arma que tenía contra la angustia que sentía al saber que sus mujeres estaban en medio de ese caos y no podía encontrarlas.
Un severo rugido capturó su atención, frente a él se hallaba un cráter inmenso del que emanaba un horrendo fulgor. Sebastián sentía una ráfaga que lo atravesaba y parecía intentar succionarle el alma. El sueño anterior llegó a su mente y tuvo la visión de unos ojos llenos de odio. Un ángel gigante emergió y Sebastián comprendió entonces el significado de su visión y del sueño: tenía que luchar contra Abaddón. El humano y el ángel se miraron y se aprestaron a asestar el primer golpe, antes del impacto, Sebastián cerró los ojos.
Cuando Sebastián abrió los ojos, sintió que la cabeza le pesaba terriblemente y su mano la sostenía. Detrás de él, su profesor disertaba sin emoción. Haber sostenido su cabeza con su mano sirvió para que nadie se diera cuenta de que estaba dormido.
- Maldito seas, Abaddón.- Musitó y cerró los ojos de nuevo.
Here’s the next one:

Final fraudulento.
La fecha esperada llegó. Nunca supo si se trató de una explosión nuclear, una erupción solar, una oleada de plagas o una simple y masiva desintegración del planeta entero. Sencillamente no vio que pasó. Al principio no vio nadie, al cabo de unos minutos vio a una personas. “¿Qué es esto?” pensó “¡Pinche fraude! Debimos desaparecer todos, ¿no?¿Y los muertos resurrectos? ¿Y los sellos? ¿Y la destrucción? ¿Por qué hay sobrevivientes? Serán los más aptos”. En eso pasaron “el Chaquetas” y “el Chupatrusa” “¡Qué!” rugió. “No se vale, deberían haber quedado buenos elementos y queda el Chaquetas ¡No mamen!” De pronto se detuvo y preguntó: “¿Dónde está Lorelei?” Ella no estaba, no regresaría jamás. Y ahí pudo constatar que en serio era el fin del mundo.
And now the two stories in goddamed fucking english:

The pit of Abaddon.
Sebastian watched two birds fighting and then he heard a whisper saying: “Abaddon”. His wife and his mother had gone to buy something while he was sleeping on the guest house over the hill.
When he arrived to the city, he noticed that the sky’s colour had changed to an intense orange and there were burnings everywhere. The city was ruined and screams, moanings, shrieks and whispers could be heard. Walls crumbled as he walked by, and explosions took place so near to him. A sudden beat of his heart forced him to shelter himself into the serenity given by the darkness on his eyes closed; such was the only weapon he had against the sorrow he felt thinking that his wife and his mother were in the middle of that chaos and being unable to find them.
A severe roar caught his attention, right in front of him was an enormous crater from which a horrid fulgor emanated. Sebastian felt a burst piercing him and seemed to try sucking his soul. The previous dream arrived to his mind and he had the vision of two eyes filled with hatred.A giant Angel emerged from the crater and Sebastian understood then the meaning of his vision: he had to fight against Abaddon. The human and the angel looked at each other and sized to aim the first blow, before the first strike, Sebastian closed his eyes.
When Sebastian opened his eyes, he felt his head was terribly heavy and he noticed his hand was holding his head. Behind him, his teacher discoursed whitout emotion. Supporting his head in that fashion served to anyone  noticing he had fallen asleep.
- Damn you, Abbadon.- he mumbled and shut his eyes again.
Fradulent Doomsday
The longly awaited date arrived. He never knew if that was a nuclear explosion, a solar flare, a wave of plagues or just a masive desintegration of the planet. He simply did not see what just happened. At the beggining he did not see anyone around. A few minutes later he saw a group of persons. “What is this?” he thought “Fucking fraud!! Well all had to dissapear!! all of us, isn’t it?? What about the dead resurrected?? What about destruction?? and The Seals?? Why are there survivors?? Could they be the fittest??” In that moment “The handjobs” and “the pantssucker” passed by. “What the fuck!!” he growled “It’s not fair!!, good elements should have remained, and the fucking handjobs remained???, c’mon!!” Suddenly he stoped and asked to himself “Where is Lorelei?” She wasn’t there, she would never go back. Then he realized it was, for sure, the end of the world.

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